At Williamstown Family Dental Group, we strongly believe in the value of addressing problems in their infancy, before they become more serious issues.

Many of the common dental problems, such as tooth decay, periodontal disease, tooth sensitivity, oral cancer and bad breath, can be minimised with preventive routines that includes regular check-ups (especially for your children), and efficient daily habits of brushing and flossing.

Regular Visits & examinations

Regular preventive care can help reduce the risk of major dental work. Treating minor problems before they become major ones minimises unecessary treatment and cost. We recommend you visit Williamstown Family Dental Group every six months for an examination and professional clean.

Regular examinations can help prevent tooth and gum problems, keep your smile bright and healthy and keep your breath fresh. During your visit we’ll look for signs of tooth decay or gum disease; perform scaling and polishing to prevent oral diseases. We’ll provide advice on good oral hygiene practices such as brushing and flossing techniques. We can also refer you to a medical doctor, dental specialist or dental hygienist, if necessary.

Brushing & flossing

An effective at-home hygiene routine is crucial to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. We recommend you brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, and floss at least once a day. This will help keep your teeth and gums healthy and your breath fresh.

Plaque is a clear, sticky film on the surface of your teeth and gums. When it’s not properly removed by proper brushing and flossing techniques, plaque transforms into tartar - a hard substance which requires professional equipment to remove.

Tartar causes irritation and inflammation. Gums become red and tender, bleeding when you brush and floss. This is often a sign of gingivitis. If left untreated, this can progress to periodontitis - a severe form of gum disease linked to bone deterioration and tooth loss.

At Williamstown Family Dental Group, we’ll guide you on cleaning and flossing techniques to give your family the best at-home dental care and a healthy, bright smile for life.

Periodontal & gum disease

Red, swollen gums that bleed easily when you brush and floss may be a sign of gum disease, the most common cause of tooth loss.  Gum disease has also been linked to stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.  Fortunately, your Williamstown Family Dental Group dentist can provide periodontal treatment that can help prevent the progression of gum disease, as well as improving your overall oral health.

Your at-home brushing and flossing routine is also crucially important.  That’s because proper brushing eliminates plaque from the surfaces of the teeth, while flossing removes plaque from in between the teeth and under the gum line.

During a typical check-up at Williamstown Family Dental Group, your dentist or dental hygienist will remove the plaque and tartar from both above and below the gum line of all your teeth. If signs of gingivitis are detected, your dentist may recommend that you return for future cleanings more often than twice a year. You may also be recommended to use a toothpaste or mouth rinse that is approved for fighting gingivitis. We may also recommend a procedure called scaling and root planing (SRP) to thoroughly remove plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line.


The food and drink you consume is just as significant to your teeth and gums as it does on your overall health.  Sugary, starchy foods and drinks will react to the bacteria in your mouth to produce acid. And acid attacks your tooth enamel, causing decay and potential tooth loss.

An important point to remember is that it’s not so much the amount of sugar and starch you eat, but the frequency. For example, if you continually snack and consume sweet drinks throughout the day, you will expose your teeth to acid for longer periods.

Reducing how often you have sugary or starchy drinks and snacks will help you maintain the best oral health.  Replace your sweet treats with fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and cheese. Chew sugar-free gum also stimulates saliva production - your body’s natural mouth acid neutraliser.  Rinsing with water after eating or drinking can also help.

Bad Breath

Bad breath affects up to a quarter of adults on a regular basis. Bad breath is usually caused by bacteria breaking down proteins in your mouth.

As bad breath is almost always caused by a problem in the mouth, a visit to your Wailliamstown Family Dental Group dentist can usually help. We can carry out dental treatment required to eliminate disease or food stagnation areas. If no oral cause can be identified, it may be necessary to attend a clinic that specialises in breath odours, or to visit other health professionals which we can recommend.


Everyone should be aware that smoking is very hazardous to your health. Specifically, smoking has an extremely detrimental effect on the health of your teeth and gums.

Smoking can cause many chronic dental problems, such as discolouration of the teeth, chronic bad breath, gum inflammation, infection, tooth loss, and even oral cancer.

Oral cancer is the most serious problem smoking causes in the mouth. Heavy smokers are six times more likely to develop oral cancer. Every year in Australia, the death rate from oral cancers exceeds the death rate from cervical cancer, and even road deaths. Visiting Williamstown Family Dental Group regularly is a way to help detect abnormalities and diagnose oral cancer for early treatment.

The best course of action: quit smoking.  Without quitting, any kind of dental treatment will be difficult, and maintaining oral health will be virtually impossible.

Overall dental health

At Williamstown Family Dental Group, we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your at-home routine, oral hygiene advice and guidance on diet. Our entire practice is designed to provide a relaxed, welcoming environment so that you and your family are completely comfortable with ensuring your continued good dental health.