Fissure sealants are a thin plastic coating usually placed on the deep grooves and fissures of newly emerged adult molars as they are usually more difficult to keep clean and hence easiest to become decayed. Dental x-rays are only taken when necessary, as they are invaluable for showing us any areas of concern. When the children begin contact sports, a mouthguard can also be constructed to protect teeth, gums and jaw bone from any possible trauma. Simple orthodontics may also be undertaken if problems arise from as early as 6 years old, such as anterior crossbite or fixed arch space maintainer if the baby teeth are lost too early.

We encourage daily brushing, flossing and low-sugar diets. It is essential to look after these baby teeth as we hope that the children will develop healthy habits, which will last them for a lifetime, and that they will be able to maintain a healthy and attractive smile.


Children with problems such as tongue thrusting or finger sucking may end up needing braces in their teenage years. The corrections we can apply earlier in life can ensure a better relationship between the top and bottom teeth, avoiding possible surgery or requiring braces for a briefer period.

Early interceptive treatment is orthodontic treatment performed at an early age during the early mixed dentition and before the establishment of the permanent dentition. Children as early as 6 years old can exhibit significant crowding, severe dentofacial discrepancies, and facial asymmetries. Patients that present with these problems are good candidates for early orthodontic/dentofacial orthopaedic evaluation and treatment.

Early treatment may also be useful when the dental arches and jaws are not in the correct position. Functional appliances may fix or improve these problems. Often more treatment is needed later on, but it may be shorter and less involved

Although treatment plans are customised for each patient, most wear their braces from 1-3 years depending on the issues that need correcting. This is usually followed by a period of wearing a retainer, which holds teeth in their new positions. Although a little discomfort is expected during treatment, today’s braces are more comfortable than ever before.

A palatal expander may be used to expand the upper dental arch so there is more room for the teeth, which can reduce crowding in the mouth. Palatal expander appliances usually consist of a plastic appliance an expansion screw that is worn on the upper dental arch. When the expansion screw is turned, the device gradually widens the jaw and makes more room. Once the arch is expanded, there is a better chance that the adult teeth will align into a better position

Space maintainers are another example of an early intervention technique. When a child loses a tooth early, as a result of decay or injury, the surrounding teeth can shift to fill the empty space. As a preventive measure, a dentist can place a space maintainer to hold the space until the permanent tooth comes in. Space maintainers usually consist of a band placed around a neighbouring tooth with a metal loop that holds the space open. When the permanent tooth is ready to emerge, the dentist removes the space maintainer. This procedure may eliminate the need for further or more intensive orthodontics in the future.